Notes on topics suggested for Meditation - 09/05

Discipline – from Jaya Govardhana das

Haribolo prabhus, 

Just some thoughts on discipline. In the Gita (2.41) the Lord says,"Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched." In his purport Srila Prabhupada explains, A strong faith in Krishna consciousness that ONE SHOULD BE ELEVATED TO THE HIGHEST PERFECTION OF LIFE is called vyavasayatmika intelligence. So we have to be resolute in purpose, which is also a way of saying disciplined. There are two important words here, faith and should. Srila Prabhupada says faith means unflinching trust in something sublime. So by practicing Krishna consciousness we develop faith and we begin to understand our nature as a part and parcel of the Lord. Actually our position in this world has been sadly compromised. and by not executing our daily sadhana we are sabotaging ourselves. The soul is by nature sat-cid -ananda and we have 78% of the qualities of the Lord in minute degree, so we have this " birthright" (or "soulright"), so we SHOULD be disiplined and chant Hare Krishna.

Yesterday in Bhagavatam class, Roland prabhu asked Balabhadra about self-esteem. So the self is actually highly esteemed, because he is part and parcel of the Supreme. And another point being that we only have self-esteem when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Sometimes we hear, change the way you think about yourself, but the reality is that you have self-esteem by doing what needs to be done. You feel good about balancing your checkbook , getting out of debt, treating others kindly, not procrastinating, etc. So in Bhakti yoga self esteem takes a more dynamic, wonderful form. By esteeming the self we are naturually moved to practice sincerely and discipline is gladly accepted. Thankyou for taking your time to read this. All glories to the assembled devotees of the New Panahati news group! 

Jaya Govardhana das


More on Discipline – from Hardik 

Dearmost relatives, PAMHO! All glories unto our holy grandfather, Srila Prabhupada. 

Here is more on discipline, mainly about Srila Prabhupada's personal example, and also that of one of his followers, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, with a few personal thoughts at the start. As we want to be highly successful at ISKCON Atlanta, here are a few thoughts I have, learned from successful individuals themselves:

Successful people don't depend on their moods and emotions to get them ahead, because those things never do. They depend on a set routine, a discipline that will carry them forward in all circumstances. It's said that successful people are successful because they do what others are not willing to do. They do the same thing every day, no matter what. Unsuccessful people attribute the success of winners to luck or miracles, but actually it's that the successful people had a daily discipline that they carried out every single day, through thick and thin.

In our dearmost Srila Prabhupada, we are so delighted when we realize that what we have learned from the professional world (i.e. qualities of successful people) is fully manifested in its pure form in our holy grandfather. His example was of high discipline as a leader and pure devotee. Sriman Srutokirti Prabhu was Srila Prabhupada's personal servant for many years, including the time when Srila Prabhupada was in his New Panihati Dhama). He was telling us in New Vrindaban (North American GBC/Temple Presidents Annual Meeting) was telling us how Srila Prabhupada did EVERYTHING in time blocks on a daily basis...he would chant at a certain time, write at a certain time, see guests at a certain time, answer mail at a certain time, etc. Everything he did was regulated and in routine fashion. He was a pure devotee, he could've done anything anytime, spontaneously. But, he was setting an example to the rest of the world, specifically his followers and future followers (us!). Certainly, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada is the greatest example of success we have, whether it's spiritual success, or organizational, or people success. PERIOD! No doubt!

Of course, I must mention my beloved spiritual master, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. He has a japa mala and a clicker to chant his rounds. On his japa mala, he has two sets of counter beads, one for his daily quota of 16 rounds and the other for extra rounds. His personal servant, Marici Prabhu, recently wrote that at one time, he promised Srila Prabhupada that he would chant 108 extra rounds in a year! Now, that is discipline! He is a spiritual master of thousands of disciples and a GBC for many areas on the globe. Also, according to many devotees and businessmen, he is the most travelled person on earth. In New Vrindaban, Peter Burwash (a long time follower of Srila Prabhupada, who is a very successful businessman and author/motivational speaker) was saying that in the corporate world, the most travelled CEO of a company is Virgin Airlines' billionaire Richard Branson. Peter Burwash humorously said that HH Jayapataka Maharaja is not in the room, so he can say that! (Indicating that Maharaja probably travels more than even Richard Branson, who owns an airline company!) Marici Prabhu also was entioning how he probably has the most visa's and most passport stamps than anyone else. 

So, with Jayapataka Maharaja's busy schedule, it's amazing how he has this discipline to chant all of his rounds! 

Now, my excuses shall fade, kicked outimmediately. Maharaja has set forth an amazing example not only for his disciples, but also for all devotees in ISKCON. He is quite amazing, His Holiness Jayapataka Maharaja.

Well, that's it for now!