Notes on topics suggested for Meditation - 09/07

Comments on Discipline - From Hardik

Dear Devotees, PAMHO! All glories unto Srila Prabhupada, who is ever guiding us back home, where we belong, Back to Godhead!

It was so nice to read Sriman Jaya Govardhan Prabhu's inputs on discipline. I was really enlightened by his words, as he is a great Senior devotee of the Lord. 

My realizations after reading his article are in paranthesis.

Jaya Govardhan Prabhu wrote: "Actually our position in this world has been sadly compromised. and by not executing our daily sadhana we are sabotaging ourselves"

(Yes! I needed to hear that! That word really got me, sabotage. We have such an amazing opportunity to chant 16 rounds, follow the 4 regulative principles, etc. and rascal me thinks that it's allright to not do that! Such a fool I am! Personally, my SINGLE GREATEST COMPROMISE in life has been to not chant 16 rounds, even after promising the spiritual master and Sriman Balabhadra Prabhu. One cannot compromise on the main criterion for Lord Caitanya's mercy, chanting our rounds! Isn't this 90% of devotional service, anyways?!! When I first met Mother Karuna Rasa (from Chicago...soon to be a resident of Mayapur), she grabbed her beadbag as if it was the last thing on earth, and said something like, "This is my life. This is all I have. This is what sustains me. Without these beads, I am nothing." When will I understand the significance of her words?? When it's too late?)

Also, Jaya Govardhan Prabhu wrote: "And another point being that we only have self-esteem when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Sometimes we hear, change the way you think about yourself, but the reality is that you have self-esteem by doing what needs to be done. You feel good about balancing your checkbook , getting out of debt, treating others kindly, not procrastinating, etc."

(Wow! This is unbelievable (actually, very believable, just that it's a good adjective, unbelievable, to express enthusiasm). Like today, I feel that my self-esteem is kind of low. I had the opportunity to go to Mangal Aroti, but another excuses popped in my mind last night. I was going to do something that needed to be done, so I couldn't go to Mangal Aroti. Yet, this morning, I did not even do that thing, or go to Mangal Aroti. So many excuses, I am definitely diseases by the aweful excusitis! I am realizing that I must simply do for Krishna. Knowing is not enough! 

I must practice what I preach! I must give my life, donate it to the Lord, chanting 16 rounds (minimum) and executing Krishna consciousness fully. This human life is obtained after millions of lives, and in millions of humans, only a few get to realize Krishna's service through His devotees....and Srila Prabhupada process works, for so many great devotees are on our planet today..and one such devotee, Jayananda Thakura, went back to Godhead.

Isn't that enough evidence of the greatness of Krishna consciousess, following Srila Prabhupada's footsteps and teachings? 

Sincerely, begging to remain your servant, 